Bus Ride

The cold breeze caresses my face
I sneeze out quietly, hiding my mask.
Its yellow light signals to me,
To ride with it home is its task.

Its doors open, like gates of Troy,
And I show my permission. I enter
The bus, warm, soothing and cozy
Shielding me from the freezing winter.

The winds that turn the leaves to gold,
Strike the bus with its golden touch.
The night of darkness now unfolds,
Plunging the bus to its hutch.

Protected, I shut my eyes,
Hoping to arrive home soon. I fell asleep…


In the cradle, our tears fall for water
Until we hear the soothing voices of our mother
Sings her lullaby to her child with grace
You hold her with majestical embrace

Her heart beat, enriched with love and warmth
Her soul, praised by the Mighty and exalted
She is the knight we call for assistance
Or the angel in our dreams

Our eyes shut, our thoughts transform to fantasy
Gently, she takes us to our cradles
Prays to Lord for His care and protection
To gaurd the infant from malevolence

With tears, she ends her prayers
The room turns dark…